Saturday, February 26, 2011

1st Sweater EVER!

So for Whitney's Baby shower present, I decided I would crochet a sweater because I thought that would be something fun to try. Because I'm procrastinator, I stayed up half the night completing this project. My only hope is that she will seriously like it! Or I went without sleep or getting stuff off her registry for nothing!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Baby Shower Favors

So I'm in charge of Baby Shower favors for a party this Saturday! I was quite nervous not really knowing what the Soon-to-be Mom would think was creative vs. crappy!?! Here's what I did, what do you think?

The blue bag is the favors for winning the Baby shower games. They are filled with a set of heart shaped measuring spoons, a honey holder with honey comb and a tea pot timer.

The Brown bag is what everyone is getting for coming. It has a baby powder scent candle (some white as shown, some blue) and some candy with 2 kisses saying "It's a Boy!"

I embossed the Baby sign as well as the Thank-You. I used self adhesive ribbon that says "baby," to tie the blue mesh baggies. I cheated on the sail boat and bought those already made.

Salty Sweet Pea